Sunday, October 20, 2013

Our typical Family weekends are not so typical

BEAUTIFUL week to go outside, I love living in New England this time of year. Since I go to school a mere 3 minutes down the road, and have long breaks between classes I like to take some Me time by the ocean and what better place than Fort Williams/Portland Headlight.

Amazing how beautiful Maine looks a month or 2 before the s*it show of snow

As some of you know I cracked my brand new iPhone 5c in a devastating work accident 
$200 later, my insurance covered new phone came in the mail. They give you the package slip so you can send your broken one back and such and as I get to the bottom of the box, I find a pamphlet, full of all the cases that AT&T sells. fantastic marketing technique guys! 
Also Shout out to the guy at AT&T when I bought my new case: "Do you want me to put the case on for you in case you drop it in the parking lot?" 
har har. 

Spent a lot of much needed family time the past couple days. FILLED with sports and laughs.
An unexpected turn cut my shift at work short and so yesterday afternoon I came home to my parents, oldest brother Travis, his girlfriend Catrina, my nephew Cameron, and the usual suspects, Annika and Chandler. With the Red Sox chance to clinch their trip to the world series, we were planning an eventful night together (despite the fact that I am a Yankees fan, I LOVE baseball, especially dramatic postseason baseball so it worked out) I don't get the Golf Channel at my house so I can't watch my Yankee boys, and I get court TV but I can't stand Alex Rodriquez's face.

U mad A-snob?
And if you read my last blog, you know that I was pulling for the Dodgers this year. well. As stated before, I don't get the Golf Channel.....

And so we start our night with some family Football in the backyard. 1/2 tackle, 1/2 2 hand's a little complicated but hey it works. for us

With Travis and Annika having a 3 foot advantage towering over the rest of us, things are a little uneven. Despite his height, Travis felt the need to scream like a girl to distract the defense...And then earned a 15 yard penalty for unnecessary roughness after the play, but Chandler took it like a man. 

We had a nice dinner together, All the siblings and extras and such and then it was game time. Most families watch TV in the living room or designated family room. If the Johnstons were normal, I wouldn't be writing a blog about us now would I? So we allllll pile into the kitchen to watch the baseball game.  Hey it works, you're right next to  (some of) the  food. However we keep our drinks in the garage...soo yeah we watch TV in the kitchen and our food and drinks are in the garage. what of it. Dad even got one of the lawn chairs and plopped it in the kitchen, and made himself comfy 

The best part of the WHOLE game came when the big boy, Prince Fielder attempted a dive back to third. Our house erupted with laughs. 

So the sox are down 2-1 and the bases are loaded. Shane victorino comes up. respectable player, but in his failure to get a bunt down earlier in the game, dad rolled his eyes and said please just get hit by the pitch so you have a chance to get on base.... Dad has not been too impressed with #18 for the red sox, and then this happened... 

And then the red sox closed it out in the 9th. The funny part:
We in this house cannot stand listening to Joe Buck and Tim McCarver and so we turned on the radio which is a couple seconds ahead of the TV So Dad and Travis's celebration started while the pitcher was still waiting to deliver his pitch. 
...unfortunately this video will not upload so just picture it and laugh. If you're having trouble laughing, just relive prince fielder's belly flop again.

So the red sox are going to the world series to face he Cardinals. I really don't care much for either team but my hatred for the sox naturally leans me towards the cardinals. in any event, may the odds be ever in your favor. 
In other Sports news, I'd rather not talk about what happened in the Patriots game. 

Annika and Chandler are on their way to a halloween party and here are their costumes! A hot air balloon and a lego. 

And now to go study for my first nursing class final tomorrow. Basically if I don't get a B, then I have to retake the class and so I'm now locking myself up and studying forever. If you read last week's blog, you know what that means: 

PS: Please please please check out Johnston #2's progress in her SEVA Amazon work, Every little bit helps I will be posting her stuff on here to get the word out. Read about it, think about it, and do something about it. Be a part of something incredible my sister has worked very hard on

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