Thursday, October 31, 2013

An update on why I haven't written, what's to come, and something extra.

ALRIGHT. I know all 2 of my blog readers have been waiting for the next post, the world series really set me behind. BUT a lot has happened and I plan on reporting it all! So TOMORROW I will publish a blog post with 2 weeks worth of material (since it's almost Sunday already) and then, if all goes right, I will be back on track, on the Sunday afternoon schedule November 10th. kapeesh? so tomorrow, has the past 2 weeks, and then next Sunday, November 10th will be the usual, and hopefully I can stay on track from there.  Until tomorrow's post, enjoy this video of me taken by my girl, (Brother's girlfriend and basically like a sister already), Melissa Feel free to share, as this video makes me incredibly happy and I wouldn't mind if Ellen Degeneres stumbled upon it and brought me on to dance like this on her show. Dream big right?

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