Monday, December 9, 2013

Finals week, hunger games, random tidbits, and Hercules.....HUNKules

It's baaaaaaaaaack.
School is winding down and so the blog is on its way back!!
This post is dedicated to everyone enduring finals week out there. Whether you are a student, parent of a student, room mate of a student, girlfriend, boyfriend, boss, co worker of a student, expect to have a shitty next couple of weeks!

So for some, finals week means practicums. a 100 question test over the whole semester.  For some, you (simply) need to write an essay. For some, you have to make a presentation. Or maybe your professor is an asshole and makes you do more than one of these options... 
That being said, there will be a lot of all nighters out there, so get these ready 

As we embark on this trip, you ever notice how professors just stand there perky as can be, knowing that you're about to die, or get crushed under the pressure of their little game and you just stand there like-

But you've known about this final most of the semester, right? well yeah, I mean I should have studied more throughout the semester but some things just take priority,

*I could always use more lives by the way...* 

Don't rule anything out now, anything is possible. you never know, you might walk out of your final feeling like: 

But of course, the expected result is more like...

In any event, happy finals week and may the scale be ever in your favor. 
And when they are over, let's celebrate and kick back with some drinks
And Abbi Brockelbank

So you may have noticed a trend here. yeah. catching fire came out and has been #1 two weeks in a row, (another factor in my lack of studying). In fact I've been as they say "geeking out" over this movie. I have no shame, but then someone liked one of my pictures on instagram and I realized that I am not NEARLY as dedicated a fan as some people.... 
Incase the font is too small, this users name is "katnisschristmastree" what does that even mean? whoever it is, takes fangirl/christmas lover to a whole new level. As assumed, it's all katniss everdeen instagramed photos. I mean granted I'm sitting here writing a blog with a hunger games based theme but HOW...HOW is your life so boring that you come up with that kind of instagram page? This girl will not be owning her finals...

So the last time I was this caught up in a movie it was Pitch Perfect. 
Aca-awesome right? Anna Kendrick, from Portland, fantastic in her role, looked up some of her other movies. She's great! And now with recent events, Jennifer Lawrence has taken over my woman crush wednesday. both are flawless, both know how to handle hollywood. They're both like my best friends. Welll you want to know what sucks? when you're two best friends hate each other...

I stumbled across this picture the other day and I just hope it's not else will I have them both at my Gatsby party? (Invites also include Channing Tatum, Rebel Wilson, Josh Hutcherson, Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Anniston and so on) 
So that's my Finals week/hunger games/ Hollywood news mashup. 
I hope to write more about "life in the middle" soon, but I think my fellow college students really needed to see that we're all in the same boat this week. So study hard, or don't because we all know you're on twitter and tumbler and reading this instead of studying. But let's do our best and I will keep up with regular writings soon. I posted this to the FB feed last night, but I'm going to let Hercules close this post out with a motivational pep talk/song for all of us getting another step closer to our degrees! 

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