Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Back to Blogging

It sure has been awhile since my last post, but now that I have the time, and like all real humans I avoid the gym with every excuse I get. So hopefully I get some good feedback and you people enjoy these web posts enough that I can say "Well I'd like to go to the gym, but I need to keep my fans happy" It might be more like "Well I'd like to go to the gym but sitting in a comfy chair with sweatpants and slippers sipping coffee while pinning and watching youtube videos" might be more likely. People that are obsessed with working out freak me out. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the after effects. Like: it makes you happier, healthier, not so lazy the rest of the day, just all around euphoric feeling but come. on. It's smelly, it hurts, and if you wear a hat while you're doing it, you automatically scream "I'm a tool!" (PG-13 version): "I'm a total douchebag!" And yes, I'm still talking about going to the gym....although that description can fit for other extracurricular activities. (PG-13 version): sex.
I was on my way to the gym when I realized I was out of gas and so came back home. "Why not just stop and get gas on the way?" I heard you just ask that in your head while reading this. Well because I don't have money until I get paid tomorrow, and until Chegg gives back my money for keeping their textbooks longer than allowed. But I don't have gas to get to the UPS store, because I don't have money because chegg took my money, until I give them their books back, but I can't give their books back because I don't have gas to get to the UPS store....you see the cycle. I'm looking for my big break in hollywood for writing and then I'll finally have money. BUT if I get my big break, then the 3.5 years I've spent in school would have been a waste, and therefore the money I spent on the textbooks and tuition a waste? life is weird. But for now I'm broke and I'm ok with it.
You know that show '2 broke girls?' why is that a show? Those 2 broke girls recently hosted the People's choice awards and are clearly raking in the big bucks. I think I'm going to take over the show and make it a reality series about me and my sister living in my parents basement. It would follow us around our house. Both in our early 20s, watching the Golden Globes in our parents' kitchen, blogging, watch friends late at night. Because God forbid we get boyfriends or our own places to live. All of this happens by the way while we fight about the bathroom counter's cleanliness (as we share it) PS-stop unplugging my toothbrush, and about maybe having the TV too loud and the other one can't sleep. All the perks of sharing a basement. It's all in good fun, we have our laughs between the typical sister bickering. And watching the Globes with her, (and my other sister) was actually pretty fun. Moral of the story of the REAL 2 Broke Girls- if you're fighting with your sister, just wait it out till the next laugh, and don't stay mad about whatever you're fighting about. (time to get cheesy, sorry not sorry). My sisters and mom are my best friends, My favorite memories will always be family time around the kitchen table and in the midst of bickering, it's pretty refreshing to think of that. So here is my advice, if you find yourself really not getting along with a sibling, wait it out, and think of a bigger picture.
So while I'm broke I'm continuing my work at KFC/Taco Bell. Realistically, it's your typical fast food job. But I oddly enjoy showing up to work when I like the people I work with. I can't wait to move on to bigger and better things, but when I look at it I could have it way worse. I recently won employee of the month and a special pin for doing well on what's kind of like a quiz when the food safety inspector shows up. I get excited for the little things. You have to in an average joe life like this. In my opinion, this life, and getting excited about the little things is WAY better than a big, rich fancy life style. Incase you couldn't tell by my gym rant. Now work isn't always a walk in the park no matter who is working. Society stress me out. I leave work sore, cranky, and exhausted. When people ask me my plans after my work shift, my response can be summed up perfectly right here: 

Ask my coworkers, I get manic. Sometimes in a good way, someones a bad way, depending on my coffee level, all of which gets balanced after work, if you can infer with the help of J Law. Don't worry, I'm not as much as a raging alcoholic as I seem...I have to put the disclaimer on here incase anyone gets as intense and angry as Taylor Swift fans when Tina Fey does her job....I do like Taylor Swift, but these two together. Come on, I would be honored to be dissed by them

Look at this picture- "This is our impression of Brianna Johnston after work because the fast food industry is just sooo difficult..poor me. Yeah well there's a special place in hell for you too Brianna. It's called the 'suck it up pub' 
The whole incident just makes me happier that this happened. 

"I was going to push you down the stairs.." -Jennifer Lawrence. 

'Nah, it's cool that she joked about pushing her down a flight of stairs live on the red carpet, but the fact that Tina Fey merely uttered some words as part of a skit all in good fun, yeah we're going to have to go to twitter and bash those two millionaires that don't care about our opinion anyways." -Taylor Swift fan logic. 

But really I do like Taylor Swift, it's her hardcore fans that I'm just like stahp, and go hang out with Justin Bieber fans, and only socialize with each other. 

Sooo those are my celebrity feelings this week.... 
I can't wait until I write a screenplay that gets me to these award shows. It really is a dream of mine. I love creative writing and making people laugh. Fashion though? yeahh I'll be wearing my slippers and sweat pants. But I'll wear my nicest addidas. 

In other Johnston family news, I've experienced some one liners from family members lately that basically sum up our family. As you may know we have 7 kids, a couple significant others and some extra kids from significant others and previous marriages. there are currently 5 of the 7 Johnston kids living under the roof of headquarters of chaos right now so I please ask that you never enter our laundry room. You will get lost and die. Don't believe us? Ask Melissa. Brother's girlfriend, one of my favorite pals to hang our with. She wins 'best all around' if the family were to ever host an award show. She said quote "I will do anything for your family EXCEPT towels. I could never do towels in this house" pure. genius. It's hysterically true. & of us in this house. And I'm proud to announce that we ALL shower. Yup. it might seem like we're in the threshold of hell sometimes, BUT we have our shit together just enough that we all shower regularly. Putting all this together I would just like to shout out that my mother is a saint. And my father a brave brave soul for all the times that he helps out and puts his best effort. Sometimes his towel effort includes, "Hey, can you carry this stack of towels up to the bathroom cabinet?" Or he does it himself. And sometimes his effort goes all the way and  puts his best "Mr. Mom" impression on. He gets a HUGE award though for this story: I love the way my mom tells it so if you have the privilege of seeing her, ask her. But awhile back my mom was very sick and in the hospital for quite a few weeks. My dad really did a fantastic job being by her side, and keeping us kids in line all the while. My mom says she was most impressed with his laundry skills. He did it all while she was on her, what she calls "Timothy Leary" vacation (If you're under the age of 40- yeah I don't get it either) but anyways, the socks. my dad said "I did it all except match the socks..." At this time, My brother was still living at home so you take 6 kids, and a parent, multiply 2 socks in a pair, and then multiply however many socks we all have. But the brave man survived the laundry of the Johnstons. 

Speaking of how many kids we have, the other night at dinner, my sister (co-star of the new reality 2 broke girls) was explaining the downsides of birth control as there was a story about it on the news, To which my mom replied "That's why I don't take birth control" There were 5 out of 7  of her children around the dinner table....7. As she walked away, The elder sister says "Yeah, it shows that you don't use birth control..." 

I'm telling you big families are where it's at. Sometimes I wish I was in a smaller family but then I realize, non of those laughs would have happened. I wouldn't be who I am today. However I wouldn't be able to tolerate noise as much as I can now. I probably wouldn't be a coffee addict and I probably wouldn't be so well rounded and open minded. 

I'm almost positive I'm forgetting something to write, but since I'll be posting back on a regular schedule, I'll catch it next time. Feel free to share, leave feedback, follow me on twitter, Briannajohns2. instagram Bjohnston2, and all that good stuff. You know because I'm so famous and there are a lot of hardcore followers that are going to hit me up on twitter tonight. But you wait, I do have one motivation for going to the gym and it's that I want to look good in my dress for the Oscar's next year. 

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