Thursday, January 16, 2014

Pursuit of Happiness

It has come to my attention (via facebook, going to wal mart, working in customer service, etc.) that the post holiday depression is really hitting a lot of people. Maybe a few of you will read this, not be effected, maybe some of you aren't reading this and you're missing out. But, sometimes I know that people just need a good laugh or motivational booster to push through the sadness you might be feeling. It's January, it's cold and it's usually a gloomy foggy, dark cloudy day. Such as today...I have some tips, some thoughts, and some random things that hopefully one of them is bound to make someone out there smile.
My goal is to make people happy. An achievement I like to make is making people smile. And my ultimate passion is making people laugh. It's the basis behind my writing, and the reason for if my nursing career doesn't work out I want to be out there making people laugh. What are you goals? do you have any? do you make baby steps? If you're sad, set a goal to be happier. the baby step: to smile every. single. day. I don't mean like "start every day with a smile" just because a quote on a piece of canvas at Target said it. I mean look for things that make you smile. A song, a movie you've seen a million times, talking to someone, or simply going outside. Go on pinterest and go to the humor section. I do this daily. Granted I spend WAY too much time on pinterest, I think it's totally ok because it makes me laugh out loud. If you need some help, check out these faces of Jennifer Lawrence. It's apparent that she's my favorite but hey at least I'm not addicted to crack.

And another  happy picture:

And this is because I have to say this, but appreciate what you have. If you have 4 working limbs, don't have cancer, have never lost a loved one, live in a warm home, with food, working appliances and good company then I guarantee you can get through any 'depression' you're feeling because there are people that go through one or more of those things and they are incredibly happy. Watch Silver Linings Playbook. Better yet READ Silver Linings Playbook. people that say the 'love the movie' but haven't read the book yet irritate me. I have the movie and book but here's the catch, if you want to borrow the movie, you MUST first read the book. that's my policy. You'll see real sadness from a man that finds the 'silver lining' after he completely hit rock bottom.

I myself thought I hit rock bottom. I live in my parents basement, I work in fast food, I'm broke, I've been single my whole life and I haven't found my 'niche' in life. but that's fucking. OK. because I love my family, I love my co workers, my room is still my own space like an apartment but it's smaller and my parents make me dinner, and I love myself that being single doesn't bother me.
ide tip- You don't need a boyfriend/girlfriend to make you happy. Don't post on facebook and twitter how single you are, because it translates into how desperate you are. Desperation REEKS of unhappiness. You cut that out and you love yourself and you learn to be happy alone. It will make you a better person, leading you to enter a relationship in the right ways, and you will be a fantastic significant other because you didn't force anything, and you'll be truly honestly happy. trust me. Stop whining about not finding anyone, and WINE the night away with a tall glass of "I'm awesome." Yeah YOU

What else makes you happy? well me personally, I color. I'm 21 years old and I have a dinosaur coloring book and and the crayola ultimate crayon collection which contains 192 crayons, and another box of crayola's finest with 120 crayons. and I'm proud of every page I color. They're bright, and it's a kids coloring book so most of the dinosaurs have friendly faces. However, being 21 means I can have a beer while I color. When I'm not closing at work, this is my favorite thing to do. Color with a beer. Seriously, try it.

What else works? scientifically, working out does. Save up for some nice work out shoes, and get a membership. Working out releases endorphins the natural happy drug. You heard it here first! you don't always need weed to feel good. I'm not dissing weed PS, I'm just saying I'm sick of people being so dependent on it. And that's all I'm saying there. But really go to the gym, or for a run or walk or do some crunches and planks at home. And Trust me, (although it is not scientifically proven) it is SO MUCH better working out in the morning. As the sun is rising. It adds an effect of happiness that the sun gives and you get it out of the way and you're more awake throughout the day, which can help with crankiness. 
Kind of along the lines of working out, if you think you're fat, stop. dwelling. on. it. It's bad for your mood, your self esteem, and everyone you say "I'm fat" to. I don't believe in diets at all. But I do believe in a healthy lifestyle which ALWAYS includes at lease some junk food. I swear a colorfully decorated cake, colors you on the inside making you happy. With that said, EAT. THE. F***ING CAKE. If you need inspiration, this is me somewhat recently.. 

If you're upset because of what other people say about your body or looks...

So basically.....

If you live near me and need a workout buddy, seriously reach out to me. I have a membership and if I'm not working, I'd love to go with anyone. Especially if you need the motivation. You got me. 

Another tip! this one confuses people but hear me out...

Have. Bad. Days. If you're having a bad day, it can last no longer than 24 hours. "24 hours sounds like a long time" well you know what Mr. Skeptic? it's a while hour shorter than 25 hours long. (side tip- look at the bright side) Anyways, bad days happen. You can't stop them. Your friends will get mad at you, you'll fight with your siblings, your boss will get mad at you, you will mess up, it will rain, it will pour, it will be cold, your car will break down, you will run out of money, you will get lonely, you will get hurt (emotionally and physically), you will fail a test, you will stub your toe, you will cry.  It happens, and the way I see it, it makes good days seem even greater. Think of the worst day of your life. If you're like me and can't think of one specific day, then you're doing alright. I've thought of some bad times, but nothing that ruined my life. I've lost loved ones and I remember those days of getting the news, but with support you move on. With laughter and smiling you get through it. So have bad days. Forget your lunch and your coffee at home. You will survive, and you will be stronger. 

If you're still stumped and unhappy. It's ok. Because now you know that there is a blogger somewhere that genuinely hopes you smile from some piece of this, and you gain some insight. If not, then I assume you're missing all 4 limbs, blind, have no friends or family left and have never smelled bacon or eaten a cupcake. But no seriously, I hope you find what you're looking for because it's out there. I promise you, you will find a hobby, a job, a favorite movie, a favorite actor, a favorite food, and a friend. 
Set goals and don't get disappointed if you don't reach it right away. I'd love to write screen plays and maybe co direct a movie with Jennifer Lawrence but I know that's not going to happen tomorrow and it might not happen ever, but believing that it will happen sometime in the future helps with the motivation. Maybe I will never make it to Hollywood but I have fun writing anyways. 

Now you have to smile about this....The weekend is almost here! (yes I know it's Thursday) But I still hope you have a happy Friday! 

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