Sunday, February 23, 2014

Want to do some reading?

Hello Blog readers, facebookers, strangers, relatives, friends, twitter peeps, and anyone else reading this. This is not a life in the middle blog post, but I've been working on some writing. This is a potential screen play, or book. (I know it's not in screenplay form or even has any dialogue yet, hear me out) Anyways, this is just something I came up with that I want to work with and maybe if it's good enough and gets a positive reaction I'll publish it some day and you can be like watching the Oscars and couple years from now, and hear "And the award for best screenplay goes to.... Brianna Johnston" and then you can be like hey! I read that the night she came up with it in her's also really late and I'm really tired so I have these thoughts...anyways, I welcome feedback! enjoy!

I want to make it perfectly clear that I’m not an emo, thick eye liner wearing, suicidal themed poem writing, starbucks drinking, Lorde blasting in my hatchback subaru type of lonely. I have too many siblings and grew up in a far too thick of a cloud of joyful, lovable, loud, hectic, mess of chaos to be that kind of lonely and depressed. It’s more like, I’m lonely because I don’t go out enough, or meet enough different people kind of lonely. Does that make sense? I love life stories. I want to talk to people and trade stories, and make people smile and find out what makes them happy. Have you ever asked someone what makes them happy? I work at KFC whose signature utensil is a spork. These two little kids came up to me the other day asking for a fork. So I handed them a spork and they looked at me with the most genuine happiness and excitement. It’s a spoon plus a fork...That IS pretty damn cool but us adults are so wrapped up and busy and tense that we don’t bat an eyelash at it. I will always remember hearing “WOAHH! it’s a spork!” and their laughter and the odd product. You can’t get that shit at Wal Mart, and if you can’t find it at Wal Mart, then that’s a pretty rare and special thing. Even if it’s as simple as a spork. So get excited about the sporks of life.
I want to talk to people that talk honestly, directly from their brain. You were expecting me to say heart, weren’t you? Well I have a secret. It’s not even a secret, in fact every knows it, but not everyone thinks about it. The truth is, you can’t speak from your heart. Your heart only pumps blood. It’s a vital organ, don’t get me wrong. But your train of thoughts is a trip that starts from your brain, and finishes at your lips. And there are no round trip tickets for this train so once it’s out, there is no taking it back. Honesty. Real words that come straight from your thoughts. I like people’s thoughts. Feeling lonely (But that special kind of lonely remember), and wanting to talk to people and share stories, it was probably best that I get a single dorm room for my sophomore year of college. Sarcasm. I was forced into picking the runt of the litter of dorm buildings at the University. I had a room on the top floor. My living space was not the peacock of the zoo. It was like the curly headed ginger in gym class with his shirt tucked into his shorts with his tighty whitey tag hanging out hosting his initials written in permanent marker. Picked last for playground basketball. But hey that kid has all eyes on him when dodgeball starts. Silver Development. (Spoiler: that kids grows up to be a stunt double in the matrix movies). The light in the room flickered upon turning on until about 3 mississippi, the walls were peeling, the old wooden bookshelf in the corner had probably seen murders. The musty smelling old desk with “Rogers ‘76” etched into the drawer was most likely the home of a brand new Beatles vinyl back in the day. I moved in and unpacked by myself. I first hooked up my TV and rushed to turn anything on to ease the thickening silence. I turn on my booty call of TV channels, Game Show Network. There is always something good on that channel. An adorable Newlywed Game, and intense Deal or No Deal, and laugh generating Family Feud. It’s never dull. Except at 4 AM when the infomercials come on but ONE time I was almost persuaded to get that genie bra.
I continued unpacking, doing everything in my power to remain positive. This year was definitely going to be an academic building year. I hadn’t vibrated my vocal cords in almost 24 hours. I felt like I was in a dystopia where there are no words said aloud. Just faces, emotions, and your own thoughts. Wait...That’s probably what being deaf is like..and I realize, that’s not a dystopia at all, that’s just a bad card in your whole hand you were dealt for life. I have it pretty good. I might hate being alone with my thoughts, but I can hear the rain on the window which reminds me that I have a window which means I have somewhere to live and stay warm and dry. I can hear birds chirping which reminds me that happiness exists all over. I can hear myself breathing which reminds me that I was given the gift of life which is only a one in 40 million chance as it is, so that’s pretty fucking cool. Let me revert to my home life for a bit. I have six siblings. Two of which adoptees from China. Early in life, they had the ‘draw 4’ card of UNO placed in front of them. My sister had heart defects and was abandoned by her birth parents. Being female in China is hard. That’s an understatement. She lived in an orphanage as just another face in the crowd in the playroom. Just enough food, a blanket and pillow which were the same color as the blanket covering the kid to the left and to the right. Nothing that made her an individual. Today, she’s one of the smartest kids I know. Gets a high and a rush through walking onto a lit up stage ready to perform a musical. I see an overwhelming sense of belonging on her face when she dives into a pool, muscles prepared for a race which to kids that age, might as well be the gold medal race at the Olympics. My little brother was abandoned carrying the burden of a cleft palate, cleft lip combo. Again, lived his crucial developmental years as a victim to lack of individuality. Today, he has one of the most positive attitudes I’ve ever known.  He spreads a smile at almost everything. He sings in the shower, the car, while he’s using the toilet and also preparing for a musical despite speech restrictions. He’s come a long way, but still has a speech impediment and he knows it, and he’s self conscious about it. However, he’s not letting that stop him, or even slow him down. He still plans on full heartedly getting on that stage in front of a hundred people to sing, and dance to bring smiles to the faces of small town people. He will never know how much of an inspiration that is to me.
Do you see what I’m saying with all of this? There kids were given black and white paint to make something on their canvas of life, and they found a way to paint rainbows and beautiful pictures in spite of what they were given.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Current Events and Johnston Chaos

I wasn't going to write up a post for today because I didn't think there was enough material in the Johnston's week, but as I sat down and started making my 'blog list' and notes, I was kind of like "well damn.." SO here I am. And I encourage you to do the same. If you ever think not much has been happening, sit down and make a list and relive all the fun you had.

Unless your list includes, but is not limited to-

-Got in a fender bender
-Debit card got hacked at Target
-Tax refund still hasn't come in
-Still stuck on 21 in flappy bird
-Didn't download flappy bird in time
-Still stuck on level 102 in Candy Crush Saga
-Ran out of nutella
-Moved to New England
-Snow blower broke
-Don't have a snowblower at all
-You Live in Atlanta
-You Live in Russia
-Got locked in a Sochi Bathroom
-Are a Male Russian Hockey player
-Are a Male/Female USA Hockey player
-Got reaped for the Hunger Games
-Found your 7th grade school picture
-Your name is Jay Leno
-You weren't clever enough to sell girl scout cookies outside of a marijuana dispensary in Colorado
-Senecca Crane didn't yell 'stop!' and announce you as victor and so you went on eating those poison berries
-You're this guy:
-You found your 8th grade school picture...
-You got arrested for drag racing your rented yellow Ferrari
-You were the luge board that Al Roker and Matt Lauer rode on
-Your child has been riding in one of those recalled car seats
-You ate some of that meat on the recall list
-You received a letter reminding you that you owe thousands of dollars for student loans
-You still didn't get the balls to confess your love to that person on Valentine's day
-You're one of those kids that fell on the ice in the video from the dad picking his kids up from school. (I'm still laughing at you by the way)

-Your local Taco Bell does not have baja blast mountain dew
-You don't have a Taco Bell locally...
-You DID get your taxes back but you spent them already
-Your dad got trampled by wildebeasts
-You had to kill your uncle for vengeance
-Your parents tenure at Northwestern ran up and so it was goodbye Africa
-You were personally victimized by Regina George
-You're a member of the New York Yankees
-You went in your back yard and yelled "Fee-hee-hee-hee-nay!" and Mr. Feeny didn't show up..
-You're Marcus..

-You caught the flu
-You hit your step dad's Babe Ruth signed baseball over the fence into the grips of 'the beast'
-You stubbed your pinkie toe

Then STOP your list right now, and pray, (And I will pray for you) that you have a better week next week!

So let's get started. Jimmy Fallon started the tonight show this week. Personally, I find him such an inspiration, I love his style of comedy. If I got anywhere with a writing gig, I wouldn't mind working with him. That would be pretty epic actually. If you missed it, you have to check out the part where all of the A-list stars made their appearances giving him money one by one. "Welcome to 11:30..bitch" -Stephen Colbert was my absolute favorite line in the whole shin dig.
You should also check out the Brian Williams rap:

My mom and I share our love for Jimmy Fallon and I hope to keep sharing good things about him.

The Olympics are still happening, and therefore 'Shit in Sochi' continues to go down as hard as all the skiiers and snow boarders on the crappy conditions. Why the actual F*** are they hosting the WINTER Olympics in a sub tropic city....Before the Olympics started people kept talking about terrorist attacks and how Russia was a really dangerous place and there was a lot of fear of something happening during the games.... And they were right! Except it was violent in a way we weren't really thinking of. Russia is taking out winter athletes one by one! Way to go Putin....more like RASputin...

Das Vid 'Murica

I read an article that on the set of 'Murican Hustle, Jennifer Lawrence would snack on doritos and then wipe her orange nacho cheese fingers on her white dress for the movie...and people are all like "lol oh Jen being Jen..." If I did that shit on one of my grungy T shirts at home, I'd get sent to bed without supper, grounded for a week, and not allowed to eat Doritos anymore...Ok well maybe my parents aren't that harsh but you get the point.
FOLLOW UP: On the set of Catching Fire, America's sweetheart almost lost an $8,000 bow in the ocean... -"repeat lol jen being jen  So basically, she comes close to ruining costumes and props and yet I still really want to work with her on a movie....Hollywood's weird..Life is weird. My family is weird. That's right, the current events portion of the blog is over so let's get to the Johnston Jumbles 
The rents got a new car this weekend.

And it's not a mini van....In my 21 years in this family we have always had a mini van. It's the end of an era. I'm so proud of them. I had to laugh, my aunt asked if they need a refresher course on driving a sedan. I think it's going to take some getting used to for sure. The Johnston parents owning a cool car is a new thing, but I'm excited for the adjustment.
This weekend was also family bonding weekend. Every we use up dad's hotel reward points he gets from work and we spend a night at some suites a few towns over. We're allowed to bring friends and it's usually always a different crowd This years ruckus troop included: the Johnston makers/adopters, myself, the chinese youngsters, Nephew, sister #2 +friend, Melissa, Melissa's daughter (mini Melissa) and I feel like I'm forgetting someone, but that's normal in our family. So we took up 3 suites and the highlight for me was our apples to apples game.

Playing with a nice mix of little kids and adults usually causes for some laughs. Cameron (Nephew) who was 6 years old until about 6 this morning. Is still learning how to read. "I don't know what this says but I'm just going to roll with it" He got a chuckle out of the words 'crystal balls' but was hesitant on explaining why....
Dad got real carried away and was the life of the party...

We get to the hotel and we were having dinner. The news was on it's part where it talks about the not huge news stories but more like people interest stories. Turns out Thursday was national 'Love your pet day' ...that's a holiday? Shouldn't that be every day? I also find it ironic that it's the day we left our dogs for a night in the hotel....**calm down PETA we left food, and water, and one Johnston was home with them that night.
But before I left for the family fun night, I played with them in the snow and got a couple awesome shots.. of Lily and Moses:

And on a very happy side of things, today is not only my Nephews Birthday, but Chandler's, what we call 'Gotcha Day' so it was a day to celebrate for these two

Cameron turned 7. And today marks 8 years since we adopted Chandler. 8 years ago, this chubby little 4 year old Chinese boy walked into my life, into my arms for our first hug, and I my heart would grab on forever and never let go. This kid is my best friend and brings me so much happiness, I love February 21st for the mere fact that we celebrate his joining of the family. He changed my life. People are meant for each other. Spending your firs few years of life in an orphanage may seem dark, but our family is his light, as he is our light, and he was truly meant to be my brother, and out of the 7 billion people in this world, we found him and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Basement Dwellings:
This is the portion of the blog where I describe how living in the basement is going, being 21, out of school living with..I lost count of how many people. As you may know, older sister moved back in and lives in the living room area of the basement. She goes to sleep early, I get out of work you see how this doesn't match up. So She shuts the lights off which is understandable. Frustrating because it's hard to navigate but I'm not about to be like 'hey can you sleep with the lights on until I get home, showered and settled by 1 in the morning, thanks man.'  NO. So I was already having a rough night. I'm personally more of a morning person so the closing shift at work gets tough when my brain shuts off at like 6 PM. So I get home and shower and come down the stairs. Pitch dark. in just a towel. Thinking I was at the bottom, I started walking like I was on level ground..that actually lead to missing, and falling down the last few stairs. I actually fit right in with the skiiers and snowboarders in Sochi. Being so close, and then choking on the terrain. So instinctively my body panics and tries to save itself. which ends up with me crashing into the wall and awkwardly catching the railing in my armpit. When I realized I lived I strangle to get the towel wrapped back around me and then in my head i was like "what the F, it's dark and nobody is around..." and so then I sprinted to my bedroom door in case some random person on my side of the basement with night vision could see me naked...because that's possible..I wanted to cry because it really hurt really bad but then I just ended up bursting out laughing at how funny it probably looked...
Another event happened just 10 minutes ago. Fellow basement dwelling sister had gone to bed so I was navigating in the dark again when I heard a low man's voice. I shit my pants first, and then I realized she was watching something on her iPad. So if you hear deep voices in your basement, it's probably just your sister. But if your sister doesn't own an iPad, or if you don't have a sister and you live in your basement alone and you hear a deep voice, then you too should shit your pants, but then cry, and then run to mommy and daddy.

That pretty much sums up this week in a nutshell, feel free to share, this post or any previous posts, follow me on twitter Briannajohns2  Instagram: Bjohnston2  

Keep watching Jimmy Fallon, drinking angry orchard, and never ever ever say no to an adventure. With that I'll leave you with this quote from Tina Fey. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

I'm here to make your Monday suck a little less.

I'm going to start off really blunt.
I hit my brother in the balls with a nerf weapon...

Did that reel you in?
Let me set the scene . It's Super bowl Sunday, Chandler's birthday. The house was packed with family, food, sugar, beer. It was an event. So much of an event that all 6 of my siblings were there. The Super Seven all at Johnston headquarters at the same time. The cool thing about my family is that we are all very different. Our personalities are unique, but similar. Does that make sense? Of course not, because it came out of a Johnston mouth. Basically, we have a good mix of personalities, that can either clash, or piece together like a puzzle.....That's the best description you're going to get by the way I really am struggling putting it into words..
Anyways, Elder brother, Travis and I are compatible when it comes to pranking, or just being a pest to the other. One of us craves getting the 'last word' well on February 2nd, I totally had it in the bag. For a little bit anyways..Here's the story.
Travis was chucking pretzels at me. I was being an innocent angel, and he was using snacks to get my annoyance up. I'm never one to back down from a challenge. I'm not mature enough to just ignore it. besides, maturity is boring. For Christmas, I got a nerf bow and arrow. Something to emphasize my hunger games fandom. I'm seriously the next Katniss, but that's a story for a different time. So I go and grab this:

And I sneak up the stairs with my game face on.....

And I turn the corner, and set aim. Now, what happens next, is NOT MY FAULT. Travis is taller than the rest of us. I'm shorter than most of us. My aim, was NOT where it hit. I pulled the arrow back and 'let it fly' like I heard president Snow say to do. 

In an attempt to dodge, Travis jumped, and the arrow drilled his downstairs danglers.
I made a 34 year old man fall to the ground, and tear up. Now let's look at the force of these things....Keep in mind I was only a few feet away...

The weapon itself looks small, but it's forceful. I tried to upload a video of it hitting the wall so you could hear its impact but technology is not cooperating today. So he was on the ground and so we called it even....Ok I called it even. I held onto my Ball Bashing Bow in fear that he would be looking for revenge. Well, I looked away from one minute and next thing I know, everyone around the table is silent. I look up and Travis is aiming right at me. I run for the kitchen which really just made me a bigger target. I'm really dumb when it comes to these things so don't judge my abilities when it comes to survival. In a matter of seconds, the roles were reversed and the arrow was speeding at MY baby maker. In all the excitement all I could muster was "HE HIT MY TWAT!!"
Turns out, my whole family cringes at the word 'twat' ...kind like most people (myself included) don't like the word moist..ugh I shuttered just typing it.
So by now, both of our 'sensitive areas' had been bruised and what is supposed to be a toy for little kids, now has a warning label on it at our house- No aiming for private parts.

A couple days later, I went to the gym and was working hard. I was feeling a good workout for that day. I step onto the treadmill ready to power out 3 miles worth of running. When I got a text message...the conversation went like this...

So instead of 3 miles, I ran one, called it good and headed for the landshark.
Us siblings don't usually propose one on one time. We're a close family, but we don't usually just ask one to hang out. So I thought it was nice, and cool and he offered our family choice in beer so how could I pass it up?
So I get to his house and he starts complaining that he hasn't made it into my family famous blog. What my family doesn't realize, is that you need to do something exciting, say something funny, basically do something that strangers would want to read about. Even if it's embarrassing. My mom is usually top notch in the funny department, but most of the conversations we have end with "And this DOES NOT go in your blog, do you understand me?!"
But my mom is a funny lady, so this is her understated credit.
Back to Beer talks with Big Brother- We start talking about life and catching up about what we want our futures to look like with school and such and I started talking about my writing and how I really want to go somewhere with it while I wait for my nursing classes to start. He got very intriguing, and I'm telling you, if you are ever feeling like you're stuck, or you're not sure what to do with you're life or you're feeling like giving up, go have beer with my brother, Andrew. You'll get your shit together. So we make this big plan for me that I really am going to pursue some writing stuff. He says "Turn an I COULD have, into an I DID." That's an Andrew J original. So I'll make a career out of it, and I'll get my name out. I will start a scholarship fund for KFC employees that work there through their college years. You know, fast food employees aren't always there because it's their only option, and they are stuck there. I want to make a public service announcement right now, that sometimes that drive thru worker that you call stupid, and can't handle a real job, might be working there, as well as 3 other jobs to save up for medical school and will be a brain surgeon one day. So think about that.  
The scholarship would go to kids like that, because I know that feeling. I won't be a brain surgeon, but you get the picture. We make this big plan and he comes up with the title "Colonels to Generals." Clever eh? So look for it, coming a few years down the road. We discuss how I want to go to LA at some point and talk to movie directors and producers on how to get into the business with my focus being in writing. He said that if I have the confidence, and I believe in myself, then that's when I go out and get what I want. "Once you get your confidence, you get your balls" Another gem said by him. So it was great to hang out with my brother since I see a lot of similarities between the two of us not only looks wise, but personality wise. So there you made it into the effin blog Andrew! but for real, I didn't put it in just because he asked. It was really a cool night at the dining room table, surrounded by landsharks.

Sibling bonding struck again when I was getting through a long shift at work and My older sister, Allison texted me asking if I wanted to spend my day off in Boston celebrating Chinese New Year. Well what doesn't sound fun about that? we discuss taking the train which I assumed to be early, like leave the house by 8 early, but she proves me wrong being the ambitious one that she is with "Ok train leaves Portland at 5:30 in the morning, we'll get to Boston by 8." Well shit. I knew the 4 AM alarm would be tough, but the next 15 hours would be worth it. We took subways to a cute little bagel shop, the freedom trail, Harvard, and then to Chinatown. It was pretty cool seeing all the culture packed into the streets

And then we finished the trip with some drinks at a bar that only Allison could find.
It was a long day but it was nice to get out of Maine for a bit. Now Andrew and I might be similar, but Allison and I are very different which can make for a very interesting mix. As you can tell from the 5:30 train, opposing the 8 AM train, our travelling style is different. She said it best on the way to the train "You've never traveled with me have you....?" Allison is very 'let's get our charlie tickets and hop on the subway and see where we get'  I use the subways by myself in the summer when I travel to see a friend from school and PERSONALLY I'm very precise with my traveling...-this is what time the train arrives, this is the subway I take to this exact location, I catch this train here blah blah blah. Plus, Allison runs up stairs. EVERY stair case we reached. I felt like a 90 year old getting to the top of a stair case of a subway terminal 5 minutes after she already reached the top. So there is traveling, but then there is traveling with Allison. Totally different ball game. But still fun to say the least, and I'm really glad I went despite previous plans to sleep in and watch movies on my day off.

So this blog pretty much sums up that I love my family to pieces.  Again I can't really put it to words. I try not to get cheesy all over the posts, but getting texts or phonecalls from them asking to hangout makes me the happiest. *Travis also called me this week asking if I wanted to go with a Red Claws game but I had to work so that plan didn't go through but the thought was there!
Although now I wonder i they really want to hang out with me or if they just want to get into the blog...I'm onto you guys... Just kidding, can't wait to share more family moments in the future! If you have siblings, or cousins, or just family members that you've never really hung out one on one with, GO DO IT. NOW.

Behind the Scenes of the Blog: When I was talking to Andrew about writing, I was explaining how I write this blog. You may notice some typos, grammatical errors or whatnot from time to time. That's because I don't edit the blog when I'm done. My writing style is very different. I type what I'm saying in my head. Like..I type how I would talk if I was saying all of this to someone out loud and sometimes I get so excited for a post or story that I just type like a lunatic and laugh at my own things and I can't wait to get done with a post but it's not because I get bored while typing, it's because I can't wait for people to see it. I know some people specifically that read the blog and say they laugh and it makes me happy writing something and saying in my head 'Oh man, I can't wait to hear what Melissa says about this one!' and so on. So that's what goes into the writing!

Tune in next time for another episode of Life in the Middle!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Single as a Pringle yet Happy as a Clam

**Alert** This is not family/life in the middle related but one of those like 'Dear Abby (Brianna)' one wrote to me with the subject 'Dear Brianna' fact, no one wrote to me at all...but that's how we're handling this situation. I'm going to throw this advice out there and if you read it and like it cool, if you read it and don't like it cool, love thy neighbor carry on I apologize I wasted a few minutes of your time for you to read this and not like it. BUT I read these things one Facebook, buzzfeed, twitter, instagram, NoOneGivesAShitagram. Valentine's Day is fast approaching and I'm seeing some people that are not handling it well. It is not against the law to not have a valentine on the big day. I also want to touch base on people that ARE in relationships that are getting into some habits that aren't always social media friendly...And then I'll get into my advice on how I'm handling being single this time of year. I have a little 'how to' guide on how to do my version of the single ladies dance.

1) If you instagram pictures of you and your boy/girlfriend, that's fine I'm sometimes a bitter single person but I'm not THAT bitter. I get that you have cute moments and you want to share them with the world. Do it. If you're happy, you should spread that happiness like it's nutella on white bread fresh out of the toaster with Spongebob playing in the background at 11 o'clock on a Saturday Morning.
             1a) If ALL of the pictures you post of you and your love buddy are make out sessions, then we have an issue. keep some of that private. Besides, if you're focusing too much on the angle of the camera shot, you're taking some focus off of why you're doing the tongue tango with your boo in the first place. If my significant other ever said "kiss me so I can post it online" I would stand up, go to the fridge and take all the beer, take all the rum if we had any and leave them. 'Pics or it didn't happen' does not apply to your love life so enjoy your time with the one you love. You don't need to share ALL of it.  Don't invite the general public into your relationship. Look at celebrity couples?
            1b) If all of your pictures you post about your boyfriend are of him playing his video games and captioned something like 'He's on his 12th hour of call of duty, so proud <3'  or 'He hasn't looked at me in 3 days but he's doing what he loves <3' or 'He's so cute when he gets angry while playing Halo <3' then #1, you need to stop posting them, and #2, you need to dump him...for real, moderate video games are fine but I have seen a few culprits of this. If you don't post it then I don't really care because at least you're keeping it your business. But you are showing the whole interweb how much your boyfriend ignores you and I'm judging your relationship skills for it. This isn't planet fitness, the internet is not judgement free.
           1c) Stop saying 'babe' and 'baby' to each other, or when referring to the other in a status or tweet. it makes your followers vomit. I GUESS once in a while is fine, but don't over do it.

This pretty much sums it up for people that are in relationships. Now, I love cute couples. I'm an official third wheel with most of my friends and I'm totally fine with it. I have no problem with 'always a bridesmaid never a bride.'
I'd like to move onto the single people. I'm going on my twenty-second year of being single so I have some experience. This is the basis of this post.

step 1- Be happy about who you are. If you love Harry Potter, love reading, are into sports, don't like dark chocolate, you're short, you look for humor in everything. You enjoy a night out with your friends but also enjoy nights in either with your friends or alone writing a blog and watching the Hunger Games. You drink enough to satisfy your thirst, but not like an alcoholic sailor, but get the occasional buzz. You drink mass amounts of coffee and you get a high when you go to the gym, then #1, you should be darn proud of all of that and #2- you're probably me....but the point here is look at all your little quirks and love them how you would want a boy/girlfriend to love them. Example, I take back roads. If I have the gas money, I take the long way to get to my destination. I love driving and jamming out and taking in the scenic Maine backgrounds. I get crap for it but "it's not about the destination, it's about the trip to the destination" If you have a quirk or habit that puts you in a good mood, don't change it to please someone else. Which brings us to...
Step 2- Don't do things out of impressing someone. Only tell them you share the same interest if you REALLY DO share the same interest. I saw a tweet yesterday before the superbowl:

So dress to impress, but Only if it's what YOU believe in too. If you fake like sports, it is obvious. Sports fans can tell who is real and who is fake. So if you hate sports, then hate sports. There is probab;y something really great about you making sports knowledge unnecessary. Ask any girl. They didn't pick their boyfriend up because he lied and said something like  "I LOVE girlcode, I watch it every day!"

Step 3- Watch Girlcode. If you don't get any advice from it, then watch it for entertainment. It's fantastic.
      3a) Watch Chelsey Lately.

Step 4- Do not post how desperate you are. I myself post how SINGLE I when I say things like watching TV with my dog, or having a warm cuddly night with my heating pad watching ENews, and stuff but Do not look as thirsty as a fish in a desert. Don't say things like "I really need a cuddle buddy :(" Good husbands don't come from liking a facebook status that was posted after a few glasses of wine. Don't post a bunch of edited and strongly filtered selfies saying #nofilter becasuse if you catch a cuddle buddy thanks to that post, and then you wake up next to each other and you look like you've been attacked by tracker jackers, Cuddle buddy applicant #3 is going to know you had a filter on that. Same goes for 'pass or rate, or truth is or wait,'s pass or date? something like that. You don't want to tell your kids "Well I liked dad's status back in 2013, and he posted on my wall 15 minutes later 'Date ;)' Unless you'd be into that. It doesn't matter how you met someone as long as you're truly happy, and deeply in love. I'm just saying, We are a generation that's slipping away from human contact, and we hide behind our keyboards.
Sidenote- Don't say anything to someone through a text, or facebook message that you can't say to them face to face. That's just a quality to hold onto as we slip deeper and deeper into a hashtag revolution,

Step 5- Enjoy the single life. Have celebrity crushes, really discover who you are. If you don't like who you are when you're single, you're not going to like yourself when you're in a relationship. It's all about confidence and again, liking your quirks. Enjoy your alone time before you find that special person. Because next thing you know you're with them all the time, then you get married, then you have kids and you will miss those days of sitting in your room watching mean girls and spending hours on pinterest. Oh and enjoy Man Crush Mondays on instagram!

Step 6- Stems from a recent post I had the other day that I feel pretty strongly about. Don't be high maintenance. 

I think this wraps up most of my thoughts. Don't be desperate, don't be fake, and love yourself. You, whoever you are, are a really cool person. Everyone out there likes at least one thing about you. Example, someone might hate that I take back roads and the long way when we're driving somewhere, but they appreciate my baseball passion. So if you're single on Valentines day don't get down in the dumps. You will survive. Maybe avoid instagram and facebook and twitter so You don't see all the lovey dovey posts. Wait it out 24 hours and then hit up wal mart and get all the discounted candy you want. Or buy yourself a teddy bear. For all of you single people, Consider this picture to be dedicated from me to you: 

I also want to share one of my favorite buzzfeed lists hosted my 3 of my favorite ladies, so take some time to read, and embrace these messages

I hope this helps some of you, maybe you don't agree with any of it, that's fine. I'm not here to instigate and disagreements. But we all know that one person that doesn't know how to be single. So enjoy your life whether you're happy in a relationship, single or in a flirtationship because those are fun too!
you can tweet me at Briannajohns2, you can email any questions, comments or concerns and hey, I kind of like this advice column thing so I might keep it up if anyone trusts me with handling their life concerns.

Find something to smile about today and everyday!