Sunday, March 9, 2014

Beauty and the Johnstons

What a week! Jimmy Fallon continues to inspire me with his late night endeavors. Catching Fire came out to DVD (as if you didn't know I would mention that). Dad and I watched Captain Phillips. OH and Annika Chandler, Morgan, and their fantastic cast members hit the stage for Beauty and the Beast.

Starting off per usual with current events, besides the fact that it is effing cold out there. It warmed up for like 5 minutes yesterday which I'm assuming was just Earth farting. I wouldn't be surprised if America was the asshole of the world. And then it got frigid again!

In better news to get us prepared for springtime..


The movie is approaching its 10 year anniversary April 30th and I can only imagine how excited my generation is to see the plastics get back together. Rachel McAdams has put a dress on hold at the store '1,3,5.' Karen is unsure of if it will rain that day. The day does fall on a Wednesday though so be sure to wear pink! What will happen if you don't? well then.. YOU CAN'T SIT WITH US. 
**Coach Karr will be allowed into the reunion as all girls are now over 18. 

Speaking of movies, my dad can either be the best, or worst person to watch movies with..

I was watching Catching Fire the other day:

dad came in, right at the part where she's about to go up into the arena. So she goes up the tube and they say 'Let the 75th Hunger Games, begin' Stevie J over here looks at me all confused.. 
"75th? they've made 75 movies already?" 
""This is the second movie..."
"The guy just said it was the 75th Hunger games...well that's confusing..."
Granted he IS kidding...he has about as much emotion as a rock with a neutral face painted on it. Even when he's kidding he seems so serious, and legitimately disturbed , that it's the second movie, and yet the 75th year of the games. 

And then the fight scenes which are up his ally. One of Steve's famous quotes is "all the best movies have a car chase in them" I wonder if he realizes that the Hannah Montana movie has a car chase in it....anyways, he gets into the action parts of movies...
"How did she miss?!"
 "LOOK OUT!"  

These are just a few, but it is a known fact that dad Johnston can not watch an intense scene, and not say one of these. Katniss falls down: Oops!  Someone throws a knife: "Look out!" 
Watch an action movie with this guy, and you'll understand. They are like reactions to him. 

I also bought a goofy movie this day. If you're a 90's kid and you haven't seen this movie, we have an issue. I've never actually owned this movie. My dad and mom would go to the library when I was little and we would always make a trip out of it. I always always always had him take out A Goofy Movie on VHS. and I want to go in and see if they have a record of how many times my dad rented it on his library card

Later on we watched Captain Phillips. Overall, he's good to watch movies with because he doesn't talk all that much, and he pays attention. -Nothing bothers me more than when I sit to watch a movie with someone and they're distracted with something else. I hate hearing "What just happened?!" 
So anyways, we're watching this and there is a part where they almost escape the pirates and the Navy is looking on and my dad went on for 10 minutes
"How was nobody watching the boat?!" 
"I still can't believe no one was watching the boat..."
"Well if they had just been watching the boat....." 

You get the idea. My dad is a pretty smart guy so he sees stupid things and goes on and on. It's Hollywood dad, they had to make it exciting. But if it's too exciting that's when you get the "LOOK OUT!" calls from him almost spilling his Corona and lime and jumping out of his Red Sox rocking chair.

So throughout the day I had watched the Lizzie Mcguire movie, A Goofy Movie, Catching Fire and Captain Phillips....This is a true story: 

"You try watching the Lizzie Mcguire movie, Catching Fire, A Goofy Movie, and Captain Phillips all in the same day and tell me you don't get some of the scenes confused...Like, I thought those were the Somalian Pirates in District 11, and I was like Peeta gave them the money why are they still shooting.. and that concert! Powerline and Lizzie rocking out the stage! and the fog machine they used in the school gym for Max to impress Roxanne?! I mean Katniss and Peeta had an allergic reaction to it, but he became like the coolest kid in school! They were fine after they jumped into some salt water ...except Captain Phillips was all like get out of these waters! and now Max and Roxanne are dating, Katniss is leading a rebellion, Captain Phillips is all good and Lizzie is an Italian Pop Star...and I have too much time on my hands..."

Continuing on, I logged into facebook the other day and came across something my brother posted...Andrew doesn't really post much so it's pretty interesting when he does. The story he told in just a couple sentences reminds me of why I keep a blog about my family and our fun loving antics...

My mom commented a short while later saying that recently, she tried to change the channel on the TV with the phone...and she wasn't even drinking...

On to the big event!! 

Annika, Chandler and Morgan hit the stage last night in Windham Center Stage theater's production oBeauty and the Beast. All of the kids were amazing and Belle and the Beast almost had me in tears! Performances by everyone were spectacular, and they are all between 2nd and 8th much talent.  This was Chandler and Morgan's first time on stage ever and you never would have noticed. Annika marks this as her 4th play and she had a speaking part as the book seller in the beginning. The one that gives Belle her favorite book. I like watching little kids in plays more than adults. You can see their imagination going wild in their eyes. They feel famous and their effort to bring the story to life is so natural because they're so young and still believe in princesses and monsters and to them on stage it is very real and that makes it AWESOME.

That about wraps us up for today. I will however leave you with this, 

This picture still makes me really happy and I think I realized why...The 2 hints of diversity, next to adoptive parents, the vast range of age, a moustache and not everyone could make it? this picture is a Johnston family picture to a T. The Johnston's thank you Ellen! 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

2014 Oscars

Considering this blog has been home to a lot of hollywood buzz and celebrity gossip in the past, I feel like I should be like all of the others and have an Oscar Special. So here it is.
I have been waiting for the Oscars since......the last Oscars.....I love movies, I love movie stars, and a non-shallow, non-superficial way, I just love the emotion and hype and excitement. People hate that fashion is a big part of the red carpet. I love it. It doesn't matter what people wear, but the dress (or suit) is a way of expression. It's also like fantasy window shopping. I look at some and I'm like "oooo damn Lupita! I'm going to stick to sweatpants and moccasin slippers..girrrrrrrrl you lookin fine!" OR "Anna Kendrick....your...face looks nice tonight!" OR "Hey Jennifer you look- oops...she's on the ground again." By the way, she's not the only one that took a tumble pre-Oscars. I was walking up to my friends house for a mini Oscar viewing party. I have my bag of cool ranch Doritos in hand, (if you say ew to cool ranch Doritos, get out of America). So I'm rushing to get into her apartment, and I get out of the car, there was no light on the walkway and I didn't realize that there was a step UP to the walkway....faceplant..My toenail was broken to pieces, and I can't move my left shoulder and I think I hit my head...the worst part? THE DORITOS BROKE MY FALL MEANING THE DORITOS BROKE. I might be a fat kid at heart if I heard a crunch and instead of thinking "Was that a bone?" I was like "F***! THE DORITOS ARE CRUSHED" I got up rubbed some dirt, (mixed with cool ranch flavoring) in it and continued making my way to the Oscars. Jen's fall? all graceful, almost pulled another girl down with her, 2 security guards by her side pulling her up, everyone making sure she's ok and she gets up unscathed and laughing it off. I mean yes, It's great that she carries herself so well and isn't embarrassed by it...but like...why do celebrities have it so easy...In case you missed it, try to tell us apart..

I'm the bottom one..I'm not sure why E was following me...but let's acknowledge the last rule of the Oscars drinking game...

Also, this is a true Johnston story that I posted to facebook last night regarding the incident: 

"Was rushing to get to a friends apartment in time for the Oscars last night and faceplanted on the walkway crushing my bag of doritos and possibly really hurting my big toe and shoulder. In the process, I crushed my bag of Doritos I was carrying. (They were still good though!) This morning I told my dad about the fall and he laughed hysterically...then tonight he ate the rest of my bag of Doritos...father of the year award goes to Steve.."

Anna Kendrick. I was not a fan of the dress, but I am a fan of her, so the dress doesn't matter at all. I know I know (the dress should never matter, it's only the person and who they are on the inside that counts. Calm down folks. I'm merely stating my thoughts. 
Moving on. To get all cheesy for a second, Anna Kendrick is from Portland Maine. Maine is hard to get out of and make a name for yourself. She has proved that it is possible and I find it really inspiring. And she's just someone that I would love to hang out with and go to lunch with or get drinks with or go on a road trip with.


I really hope that her name alone brought a smile to your face. She was incredible as host, (as expected).  I love how we live in a time where this is possible. So I'm watching the Oscars, and she pulls out her phone talking about how she wants to take a picture of her looking at the whole audience, to see it from her point of view. 

So she takes the picture and uploads it and seconds later, I open twitter and there it is! a real time picture, as promised

(we know that this isn't Ellen's only picture tweeted of the night, we'll get to that) 

At one point, Ellen asked who was hungry. Obviously, a 3.5 hour award show can cause some belly rumbles. Ellen being Ellen was all like "who wants pizza?" lol funny Ellen, thinking it was a joke. The best part of this, was the beautiful Kerry Washington. I've never experienced pregnancy cravings, but I have an inkling she was craving pizza...

Shortly after, This actually happened...

Edgar, "The pizza guy" was on Ellen's live post Oscar show the next morning. The producers told him the pizza was for some writers backstage and that he should "wait there" for someone to retrieve the pizza. Ellen grabbed him, said follow me, and next thing he knows, he's on stage! 
Also on the show, Ellen gave him the tip that she collected in Pharell's hat, a total of $1000. Way to help a local business Ellen! 

Ellen continued the laughs, she came down the steps of the stage and proposed a "selfie" with Meryl Streep. I don't know about you, but that opportunity presents itself all the time......sarcasm. Ellen then invited Juila Roberts, Channing Tatum, Luita Nyong'o (whose brother excitedly and adorably jumped to the occasion, Jennifer Lawrence, and Bradley Cooper (because those 2 can't do anything without the other and we wouldn't have it any other way!) Jared Leto was invited from the other side of the audience, but he was unfortunately cut out. which really sucks for him because he was the most excited for this photo op. As they're all posing, if you listen, Jennifer Lawrence being Jennifer Lawrence suggests, "If you want it retweeted so much, maybe someone should grab a boob..." THAT. CLEVER. CLEVER. GIRL. She knew Channing Tatum was right behind her, IT WAS AN INVITATION. She's such a quick thinker...I would suggest the same if Channing were right there. The suggestion was turned down, and the photo still took the cake as the most retweeted in history with 3 Million retweets. 

Jared, Jennifer, Meryl, Channing, Ellen,  Julia, Kevin, Bradley, Brad, Lupita, Angelina, You know when you call them by the first names, and not go full name on them  for their celebrity status, it sounds like roll call for a really cute third grade class picture. But it's not and I think my new goal in life is to print this picture, and get it signed by each and every one of them. Remind me not to die until this is accomplished. 

Ellen really brought some life to the show and loosened it up a bit from what we're used to. 
Moving on to what the Oscars are actually for, there were some awards given last night! Most people ignore the acceptance speeches because they're all the same "I'd like to thank my mom, dad,agent,publicist, stylist, director, co-stars, God, Jesus, my first boss, my dog, my uncle Mike, Ellen Degeneres, my cat, you get the picture. Lupita was one of the social media favorite speeches and why not?! She had everyone in tears. everyone. Steve Mcqueen her director, Benedict Cumberbatch, everyone that the camera lens touched was shedding a tear

She went on to inspire youth and say that every little child, no matter where you are, your dreams are valid. Such a good message. She came out of no where, beat all these A list stars really sending the message that anything is possible. 

My personal favorite acceptance speech was Best Actor, Matthew McConaughey (I just want it known how many times I had todouble check on how to spell his name....Like...for real, who knew 'Matthew would be so difficult to sound out..

If you don't feel like watching the whole video, he gives an inspirational philosophy that your hero is yourself 10 years from now. You're never going to reach it, but you're always going to chase it and be better because of that.  With a big dream of going into writing, his words meant a lot and I will hold onto his idea throughout my adventures into wherever life takes me. 
Sidenote, I just love his voice and when everyone wants Morgan Freeman to narrate their lives, I want him. in fact, when I finally break into writing movies, I'm casting him as the narrator. 
With his win, it marks yet another year the Leonardo DiCaprio stays seated throughout the whole show. We were all pulling for him but I have no doubt that he will get it eventually, and you shouldn't either because 'doubt' is a word I'm trying to get removed from the dictionary, but I doubt that will ever happen.....

12 years a slave won best picture, I haven't seen it yet but it comes out to DVD soon and I will be right on top of that! just from the previews I can tell it's amazing. Once I get through my stack of books I need to read, the novel version will also be making it's way to my eyes. 

If you watched the Oscars, you're probably waiting for me to talk about the John Travolta incident, I decided to not include a personal take on it because I really feel bad for the guy, we don't know if it was a fluke with the teleprompter or what not, nerves, the hype of being on the big stage, it's John Travolta he's impressed us enough with performances enough that I'm going to let it slide. So be nice to him! (I did however 'travoltify' my name...."

I leave you with this link: 

check it out for a good laugh

Next post I promise will return to the regularly scheduled hectic, chaotic, fun loving, can only take in small doses, Johnston Family. The little Johnstons are in the local Beauty and the Beast play  so there will be pictures and a write up on that! 

Twitter; Briannajohns2
Instagram; bjohnston2

Go out, be awesome, and watch Ellen!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Lost is a state called Maine

I'm going to be really original and write do a write up about life in the state if Maine. Love it or hate it, it's unique. Maine is like that non popular, but not weirdo kid in the class. It has its quirks, and things that make you love it. And it also has its 'WTF' times. It's wicked hahd to describe. So put on your flannel, pop open a bud, and come join the pahty!

Maine can be summed up in 3 pots: 
-Pot Heads
-Pot Holes
-Potluck dinners
With the recent bills passed, pot heads in Portland rejoice
Pot holes, Because Winter happens
Potlucks, because we don't do catering.big party? Everyone bring a dish! (which usually ends up being 50 bowls of potato salad)

My family is all about the Maine life. My mom grew up in Naples. So she was in the mix of the Sebago Lakes region. The happiest portion of the state. The southern Bar Harbor. The big summer attraction for tourists that don't want to drive all the way up to Bar Harbor... My father grew up in Aroostook County. Also known as Potato County. I'm not even kidding, where my grandmother lives, there are more miles of potato fields than tar. In the winter, they mostly use snowmobiles to get around. The gas station is lines of them. in fact, the snowmobile and ATV dealerships are as common as car dealerships. They have a couple radio stations...and if you're eating a meal, any time of day, it's called 'suppah' (supper for those of you still getting used to the accent). So if it's like..let's say 11 AM and someone asks "You want a suppah?" Don't think you're having dinner already and it's almost bed time. The northern lifestyle is not for the weak. You have to be prepared to drop your cell phone service, wi-fi, and know how to play a good hand of cribbage. Don't lead with a 5, 10, or facecard. I learned that in my last 3 cribbage games I played with my grandfather before he passed. Out of all the cousins, and siblings I have, somehow I got some one on one bonding time with him and my grandmother. I was 12 years old, and the cribbage board was on the kitchen table. So while Grammy cleaned up the kitchen and did the dishes, she was our audience. We were tied a game a piece so we played a third as a tie breaker. He won, because he is the Johnston cribbage champion. But he sure did teach me a lot about the game that day. Plus what else is there to do?! I already told you, if you're not fishing or hunting, play cribbage. You might snub the lifestyle, but to the Johnstons, it's family time. There is always food to be had, a riddle to solve, or cards to play. I wish I knew exactly how many decks of cards my grandmother had in her kitchen drawer. If it's not your turn at the pegging game yet, you usually warm up your shuffling skills with a game of solitaire, clock, or gather the whoever else is free for a game of rummy. In the winter time, If you're not in the big suit and helmet running the snow sled around the tater fields, don't miss out on your fun! there is a perfect sledding hill past the swing set into the garden. However, we don't use those fancy sleds you get at the wal mart or mardens. One time, My grandmother gave us a piece of cardboard, and the lid of a trash can and it was honest to God, some of the most fun hill sledding ever. A piece. Of. Cardboard.

Still not buying the Canadian border lifestyle? Let's head a little further south. To about 2 miles below the Speed Limit 75 sign. College town, my old stomping grounds, Orono. Where kids go when they can't afford to go out of state, but don't want to be a commuter, or don't want to go to USM because EVERYONE from your high school will be there. So we go to Orono for the thrill and excitement of the Umaine where only 75% of your graduating class starts off..they get weeded out in time though. They'll transfer to USM or SMCC and sometimes the adventurous ones go to St. Joe's. But we'll visit Orono for a bit. There is literally nothing there unless you go to the college. Every car you drive past has a Umaine parking pass. A student, faculty, staff, janitor, dining hall worker, anything. It IS cool if you're going to school there though. Orono is usually referred to as "The best 5 years of my life" and It's true! I met some of the best people in my life there. I gained a lot of frisbee skills, I widened my comfort zone, and I even fit in some classes. I joined hip hop club at Umaine, Orono. And I want to discuss how awesome that statement is. Hip Hop. In Orono Maine. We blasted rap in dance studio room 226, and choreographed some back street dance crew routines. Don't underestimate white kids in the northern tip of this country. I don't attend UMO anymore, but what I miss the most (besides friends obviously) is this club. I think that if people gave it a chance, Maine could be as badass as the streets of Manhatten. I hope I'm still alive when there are legit dance offs with beats coming from either a beat boxer, or a boom box at the community basketball court, in central Maine. 

Another fact of Umaine alumni. If you went to school there at standard college age, and you turned 21 there. you own a Umaine shot glass. Am I wrong? It's like a cool 'you're part of a special crowd' thing. The food in the area. I'm sure they planned this, but it's all perfect hangover food...You got your Margaritas, Verve which is a small place spcializing in burritos, and then all of these random pizza places. But they all taste fantastic....especially Pat's, that's just an classic. And not to mention the Orono location is where the whole chain started! and it still has the feel of an old pizza parlor

For a nice dinner, or relaxing drink, Woodman's right across from Pat's has you covered. It's a dim, cozy place with a chill and friendly environment. The food is to die for, and the bar is loaded and ready to fulfill the needs of a stressed out college kid.

As we continue down I95, we find Bangor. "Banger" ..I hardly KNOW her! <<That joke, yeahh Mainers have NEVER heard that on before...*Sarcasm. Bangor is like..The herpe on the state of Maine. It's the skid mark on Maine's underwear. It's the Meg of the Maine city family. In case you can't tell, I'm not a huge fan of Bangor. I worked customer service in the ghetto of Bangor and dealt with a lot of white trash, bath salt infused just plain rude and unpleasant people. Please don't judge Maine on what goes down in Bangor. It's just one giant trailer park with a mall.

Maine is really a beautiful place though. In the summer time, you have a beer in your hand. You're not always trying to get drunk, it's just there...whatever you're doing. fishing- beer. beach-beer. This summer I'm making it a habit to save bottle caps. All different types of beers, and each cap probably has a story. This past summer for example would have included :

-First beer with my brother
-Beer from the time I actually beat dad at cribbage
-That intense game of cornhole, beer
etc etc.

Speaking of beer, Portland Maine is home to some of the best baseball games out there. No matter what you're doing in Maine..visiting, doing time in the state prison, whatever. Go to a Sea Dogs game. Cheap seats, that perfect 'summer night baseball game' atmosphere. Slugger gives some of the best hugs I've ever had. AND if you're a baseball nerd, some of the guys playing make it to the big stage. But until they do, enjoy getting third baseline seats for $10, eat your hot dog and be happy.

Portland Headlight. Not in Portland. It's a small quirk about Maine that most tourists don't know. In fact, you go over the casco bay bridge, into South Portland, stay in the right lane of the bridge. go straight through the next 2 sets of lights, and then bang a right at the playground/private school. keep going straight and you'll end up in Cape Elizabeth and you'll see the gate on your left to 'Fort Williams/Portland Headlight'.......Yeah. PORTLAND headlight is 2 towns away from Portland. Deal with it. Because it's a fantastic park. 

This is a favorite spot for families like mine, you can fly kites, explore the fort, play frisbee, have a picnic AND It's cheaper than....

Growing up in Maine comes with the summer ritual of going to Funtown. Until you're old enough to know what Six Flags, Disneyland, and Busch Gardens are, Funtown was like....your eyes just went all 'JimmyFallon impersonating Rob Ford' when you're parents said "We're going to Funtown this Saturday! 

I've only been to another amusement park once. Six Flags on a school trip and it rained so we were able to go on like 2 rides. So Funtown is still the most exciting place I've been. OH and when you're listening to the radio in the summer time and that commercial comes on, yeahhhh you Mainers know what I'm talking about. you NEED to say the 'ohhhh yeahhh' in a deep voice and sing the rest of the jingle. 

You can't talk about southern Maine in the summer without touching on Old Orchard Beach. Or as white girl wasted girls only know it as 'OOB' "like why did they name a beach boob...but without the first B.." If you want to see white trash capitol of the world, a beach that only Honey Boo Boo and mama June could love, Head down to Old Orchard! 
Don't get me wrong, it's not bad if you go with the right people. The Beach is huge. My friends and I go there and have some of the most intense games of '500' ever, but some of the things you see....can't be unseen...speedo capitol of the world I'm saying...Oh and you have to pay to use the bathroom.....50 cents last I checked. Thanks a lot LePage...Like if I eat too much Chipotle on the way and I ...let's say don't have time to fish around for 50 cents in my wallet, then you can deal with the mess....That's all I'll say about that. 

Notice a lot of the places I've mentioned, I've had my complaints about. But the best thing about it, is I also stated that it's fun if you're with the right people. Maine is all about making your own fun and excitement with your friends and family. My summers are spent on my back deck, watching the ball game, playing cribbage and wiffle ball and laughing with the family until the bon fire is out and there are no more marshmellows in the bag. Winter is tough, but with my friends playing wii and having adventures in the Old Port, Life is good...I finally get it... 'The Way Life Should Be' ...With friends and family making even the most boring state a fun place to be. 

The people can be annoying sometimes. Those hicks at wal mart that are all bad because they're out past their 10 PM curfew, and the Maine "gangsters" these are the kids that talk all bad on facebook. Wear their pants below their butt cracks, wear flat brimmed hats barely on their heads, rev their honda civics in the taco bell drive thru. But find the right Mainers and you'll have a hell of a time. (Just don't come in the winter because we're cranky and our cars are broken) ;) 

That doesn't even touch base on a lot of the things Maine has to offer. Moosehead lake, Acadia national park, among others are places that I haven't been to yet, but I'm working on it. Those City folk always make fun of us and say we wipe our butts with pine cones, and ride moose out into the woods, that's not true. (Well maybe it is in Fort Kent...) Just kidding, but anyways, I'm very happy that I was born and raised in Maine because it makes travelling to other places SO much more exciting.

PS, no we don't like our Governor fact it's a touchy subject so if you come for a visit.don't bring it up. 

But definitely come visit! We'll get the pegs ready and get the cooler filled!