Sunday, March 9, 2014

Beauty and the Johnstons

What a week! Jimmy Fallon continues to inspire me with his late night endeavors. Catching Fire came out to DVD (as if you didn't know I would mention that). Dad and I watched Captain Phillips. OH and Annika Chandler, Morgan, and their fantastic cast members hit the stage for Beauty and the Beast.

Starting off per usual with current events, besides the fact that it is effing cold out there. It warmed up for like 5 minutes yesterday which I'm assuming was just Earth farting. I wouldn't be surprised if America was the asshole of the world. And then it got frigid again!

In better news to get us prepared for springtime..


The movie is approaching its 10 year anniversary April 30th and I can only imagine how excited my generation is to see the plastics get back together. Rachel McAdams has put a dress on hold at the store '1,3,5.' Karen is unsure of if it will rain that day. The day does fall on a Wednesday though so be sure to wear pink! What will happen if you don't? well then.. YOU CAN'T SIT WITH US. 
**Coach Karr will be allowed into the reunion as all girls are now over 18. 

Speaking of movies, my dad can either be the best, or worst person to watch movies with..

I was watching Catching Fire the other day:

dad came in, right at the part where she's about to go up into the arena. So she goes up the tube and they say 'Let the 75th Hunger Games, begin' Stevie J over here looks at me all confused.. 
"75th? they've made 75 movies already?" 
""This is the second movie..."
"The guy just said it was the 75th Hunger games...well that's confusing..."
Granted he IS kidding...he has about as much emotion as a rock with a neutral face painted on it. Even when he's kidding he seems so serious, and legitimately disturbed , that it's the second movie, and yet the 75th year of the games. 

And then the fight scenes which are up his ally. One of Steve's famous quotes is "all the best movies have a car chase in them" I wonder if he realizes that the Hannah Montana movie has a car chase in it....anyways, he gets into the action parts of movies...
"How did she miss?!"
 "LOOK OUT!"  

These are just a few, but it is a known fact that dad Johnston can not watch an intense scene, and not say one of these. Katniss falls down: Oops!  Someone throws a knife: "Look out!" 
Watch an action movie with this guy, and you'll understand. They are like reactions to him. 

I also bought a goofy movie this day. If you're a 90's kid and you haven't seen this movie, we have an issue. I've never actually owned this movie. My dad and mom would go to the library when I was little and we would always make a trip out of it. I always always always had him take out A Goofy Movie on VHS. and I want to go in and see if they have a record of how many times my dad rented it on his library card

Later on we watched Captain Phillips. Overall, he's good to watch movies with because he doesn't talk all that much, and he pays attention. -Nothing bothers me more than when I sit to watch a movie with someone and they're distracted with something else. I hate hearing "What just happened?!" 
So anyways, we're watching this and there is a part where they almost escape the pirates and the Navy is looking on and my dad went on for 10 minutes
"How was nobody watching the boat?!" 
"I still can't believe no one was watching the boat..."
"Well if they had just been watching the boat....." 

You get the idea. My dad is a pretty smart guy so he sees stupid things and goes on and on. It's Hollywood dad, they had to make it exciting. But if it's too exciting that's when you get the "LOOK OUT!" calls from him almost spilling his Corona and lime and jumping out of his Red Sox rocking chair.

So throughout the day I had watched the Lizzie Mcguire movie, A Goofy Movie, Catching Fire and Captain Phillips....This is a true story: 

"You try watching the Lizzie Mcguire movie, Catching Fire, A Goofy Movie, and Captain Phillips all in the same day and tell me you don't get some of the scenes confused...Like, I thought those were the Somalian Pirates in District 11, and I was like Peeta gave them the money why are they still shooting.. and that concert! Powerline and Lizzie rocking out the stage! and the fog machine they used in the school gym for Max to impress Roxanne?! I mean Katniss and Peeta had an allergic reaction to it, but he became like the coolest kid in school! They were fine after they jumped into some salt water ...except Captain Phillips was all like get out of these waters! and now Max and Roxanne are dating, Katniss is leading a rebellion, Captain Phillips is all good and Lizzie is an Italian Pop Star...and I have too much time on my hands..."

Continuing on, I logged into facebook the other day and came across something my brother posted...Andrew doesn't really post much so it's pretty interesting when he does. The story he told in just a couple sentences reminds me of why I keep a blog about my family and our fun loving antics...

My mom commented a short while later saying that recently, she tried to change the channel on the TV with the phone...and she wasn't even drinking...

On to the big event!! 

Annika, Chandler and Morgan hit the stage last night in Windham Center Stage theater's production oBeauty and the Beast. All of the kids were amazing and Belle and the Beast almost had me in tears! Performances by everyone were spectacular, and they are all between 2nd and 8th much talent.  This was Chandler and Morgan's first time on stage ever and you never would have noticed. Annika marks this as her 4th play and she had a speaking part as the book seller in the beginning. The one that gives Belle her favorite book. I like watching little kids in plays more than adults. You can see their imagination going wild in their eyes. They feel famous and their effort to bring the story to life is so natural because they're so young and still believe in princesses and monsters and to them on stage it is very real and that makes it AWESOME.

That about wraps us up for today. I will however leave you with this, 

This picture still makes me really happy and I think I realized why...The 2 hints of diversity, next to adoptive parents, the vast range of age, a moustache and not everyone could make it? this picture is a Johnston family picture to a T. The Johnston's thank you Ellen! 

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