Tuesday, March 4, 2014

2014 Oscars

Considering this blog has been home to a lot of hollywood buzz and celebrity gossip in the past, I feel like I should be like all of the others and have an Oscar Special. So here it is.
I have been waiting for the Oscars since......the last Oscars.....I love movies, I love movie stars, and a non-shallow, non-superficial way, I just love the emotion and hype and excitement. People hate that fashion is a big part of the red carpet. I love it. It doesn't matter what people wear, but the dress (or suit) is a way of expression. It's also like fantasy window shopping. I look at some and I'm like "oooo damn Lupita! I'm going to stick to sweatpants and moccasin slippers..girrrrrrrrl you lookin fine!" OR "Anna Kendrick....your...face looks nice tonight!" OR "Hey Jennifer you look- oops...she's on the ground again." By the way, she's not the only one that took a tumble pre-Oscars. I was walking up to my friends house for a mini Oscar viewing party. I have my bag of cool ranch Doritos in hand, (if you say ew to cool ranch Doritos, get out of America). So I'm rushing to get into her apartment, and I get out of the car, there was no light on the walkway and I didn't realize that there was a step UP to the walkway....faceplant..My toenail was broken to pieces, and I can't move my left shoulder and I think I hit my head...the worst part? THE DORITOS BROKE MY FALL MEANING THE DORITOS BROKE. I might be a fat kid at heart if I heard a crunch and instead of thinking "Was that a bone?" I was like "F***! THE DORITOS ARE CRUSHED" I got up rubbed some dirt, (mixed with cool ranch flavoring) in it and continued making my way to the Oscars. Jen's fall? all graceful, almost pulled another girl down with her, 2 security guards by her side pulling her up, everyone making sure she's ok and she gets up unscathed and laughing it off. I mean yes, It's great that she carries herself so well and isn't embarrassed by it...but like...why do celebrities have it so easy...In case you missed it, try to tell us apart..

I'm the bottom one..I'm not sure why E was following me...but let's acknowledge the last rule of the Oscars drinking game...

Also, this is a true Johnston story that I posted to facebook last night regarding the incident: 

"Was rushing to get to a friends apartment in time for the Oscars last night and faceplanted on the walkway crushing my bag of doritos and possibly really hurting my big toe and shoulder. In the process, I crushed my bag of Doritos I was carrying. (They were still good though!) This morning I told my dad about the fall and he laughed hysterically...then tonight he ate the rest of my bag of Doritos...father of the year award goes to Steve.."

Anna Kendrick. I was not a fan of the dress, but I am a fan of her, so the dress doesn't matter at all. I know I know (the dress should never matter, it's only the person and who they are on the inside that counts. Calm down folks. I'm merely stating my thoughts. 
Moving on. To get all cheesy for a second, Anna Kendrick is from Portland Maine. Maine is hard to get out of and make a name for yourself. She has proved that it is possible and I find it really inspiring. And she's just someone that I would love to hang out with and go to lunch with or get drinks with or go on a road trip with.


I really hope that her name alone brought a smile to your face. She was incredible as host, (as expected).  I love how we live in a time where this is possible. So I'm watching the Oscars, and she pulls out her phone talking about how she wants to take a picture of her looking at the whole audience, to see it from her point of view. 

So she takes the picture and uploads it and seconds later, I open twitter and there it is! a real time picture, as promised

(we know that this isn't Ellen's only picture tweeted of the night, we'll get to that) 

At one point, Ellen asked who was hungry. Obviously, a 3.5 hour award show can cause some belly rumbles. Ellen being Ellen was all like "who wants pizza?" lol funny Ellen, thinking it was a joke. The best part of this, was the beautiful Kerry Washington. I've never experienced pregnancy cravings, but I have an inkling she was craving pizza...

Shortly after, This actually happened...

Edgar, "The pizza guy" was on Ellen's live post Oscar show the next morning. The producers told him the pizza was for some writers backstage and that he should "wait there" for someone to retrieve the pizza. Ellen grabbed him, said follow me, and next thing he knows, he's on stage! 
Also on the show, Ellen gave him the tip that she collected in Pharell's hat, a total of $1000. Way to help a local business Ellen! 

Ellen continued the laughs, she came down the steps of the stage and proposed a "selfie" with Meryl Streep. I don't know about you, but that opportunity presents itself all the time......sarcasm. Ellen then invited Juila Roberts, Channing Tatum, Luita Nyong'o (whose brother excitedly and adorably jumped to the occasion, Jennifer Lawrence, and Bradley Cooper (because those 2 can't do anything without the other and we wouldn't have it any other way!) Jared Leto was invited from the other side of the audience, but he was unfortunately cut out. which really sucks for him because he was the most excited for this photo op. As they're all posing, if you listen, Jennifer Lawrence being Jennifer Lawrence suggests, "If you want it retweeted so much, maybe someone should grab a boob..." THAT. CLEVER. CLEVER. GIRL. She knew Channing Tatum was right behind her, IT WAS AN INVITATION. She's such a quick thinker...I would suggest the same if Channing were right there. The suggestion was turned down, and the photo still took the cake as the most retweeted in history with 3 Million retweets. 

Jared, Jennifer, Meryl, Channing, Ellen,  Julia, Kevin, Bradley, Brad, Lupita, Angelina, You know when you call them by the first names, and not go full name on them  for their celebrity status, it sounds like roll call for a really cute third grade class picture. But it's not and I think my new goal in life is to print this picture, and get it signed by each and every one of them. Remind me not to die until this is accomplished. 

Ellen really brought some life to the show and loosened it up a bit from what we're used to. 
Moving on to what the Oscars are actually for, there were some awards given last night! Most people ignore the acceptance speeches because they're all the same "I'd like to thank my mom, dad,agent,publicist, stylist, director, co-stars, God, Jesus, my first boss, my dog, my uncle Mike, Ellen Degeneres, my cat, you get the picture. Lupita was one of the social media favorite speeches and why not?! She had everyone in tears. everyone. Steve Mcqueen her director, Benedict Cumberbatch, everyone that the camera lens touched was shedding a tear

She went on to inspire youth and say that every little child, no matter where you are, your dreams are valid. Such a good message. She came out of no where, beat all these A list stars really sending the message that anything is possible. 

My personal favorite acceptance speech was Best Actor, Matthew McConaughey (I just want it known how many times I had todouble check on how to spell his name....Like...for real, who knew 'Matthew would be so difficult to sound out..

If you don't feel like watching the whole video, he gives an inspirational philosophy that your hero is yourself 10 years from now. You're never going to reach it, but you're always going to chase it and be better because of that.  With a big dream of going into writing, his words meant a lot and I will hold onto his idea throughout my adventures into wherever life takes me. 
Sidenote, I just love his voice and when everyone wants Morgan Freeman to narrate their lives, I want him. in fact, when I finally break into writing movies, I'm casting him as the narrator. 
With his win, it marks yet another year the Leonardo DiCaprio stays seated throughout the whole show. We were all pulling for him but I have no doubt that he will get it eventually, and you shouldn't either because 'doubt' is a word I'm trying to get removed from the dictionary, but I doubt that will ever happen.....

12 years a slave won best picture, I haven't seen it yet but it comes out to DVD soon and I will be right on top of that! just from the previews I can tell it's amazing. Once I get through my stack of books I need to read, the novel version will also be making it's way to my eyes. 

If you watched the Oscars, you're probably waiting for me to talk about the John Travolta incident, I decided to not include a personal take on it because I really feel bad for the guy, we don't know if it was a fluke with the teleprompter or what not, nerves, the hype of being on the big stage, it's John Travolta he's impressed us enough with performances enough that I'm going to let it slide. So be nice to him! (I did however 'travoltify' my name...."

I leave you with this link: 

check it out for a good laugh

Next post I promise will return to the regularly scheduled hectic, chaotic, fun loving, can only take in small doses, Johnston Family. The little Johnstons are in the local Beauty and the Beast play  so there will be pictures and a write up on that! 

Twitter; Briannajohns2
Instagram; bjohnston2


Go out, be awesome, and watch Ellen!

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